Parent Info

Dear Parent or Guardian:

As a grade eight Intermediate student at Longfields Davidson School this year, your child is finishing the transition from elementary school to high school. This year your son or daughter will be expected to accept more responsibility for his/her education by consistently meeting deadlines, accepting consequences for actions, and relaying important information regarding school related issues, including marks, home to you. Grade 8 students must continue to build the skills necessary to adapt to different routines and expectations. They are expected to work independently at times and in small or large groups at other times. Homework is assigned regularly in most classes and it is expected to be done by the due date. Notebooks and textbooks, school supplies and gym clothes are the direct responsibility of each individual. While each Grade 8 student is responsible for his or her learning, they still need assistance from the adults in their lives. As a teacher, I provide the opportunities for learning in a classroom environment.

As a parent, you can help in the home environment in a couple of ways. They need a quiet place at home with a chair and table away from distractions. If your child has no actual assigned work there are several other things they can fill the hour with: reading, reviewing notes from all classes, checking notebooks, making sure notes are neat, complete, dated, titled and underlined. The second way you can help at home is to regularly check your child’s agenda/blog where homework, tests and upcoming assignments should be recorded. These can be very effective communication tools between school and home. Please make it a habit to look at it and discuss the work with your child.

A classroom blog (internet site) has been created in order to open communication between home and school. The blog is meant to serve as a supplement to their learning. I strongly encourage you to visit the blog regularly to check up on daily news and to stay connected with what we are doing in class. I understand some of you may not have access to the internet; this will not hinder your child in any way. The blog is simply another tool to help students. It is my belief that the best way for you to stay informed on your child’s progress is to discuss school regularly. This blog is meant to give you a starting point. The site address is

Please feel free to contact me at school if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s schooling. The most efficient method of communication is through email (
J. Noonan